How To Remove Sality Virus

The signs that my computer was infected by this virus are:
  • My computer slows down.
  • Some programs do not work well, some can not even use.
  • Task Manager doesn't work
  • Antivirus is not working
  • Last... and the worse... I cannot go to Windows.
So... this Sality virus (which attacked my computer was P variant) is attacking the Program files (with exe type). And because it's attacking the exe file, the program will not run, including antivirus, because the antivirus has the exe type. When I reformat the hard-drive... the virus is keep coming back again.Before that i did not think that my computer got a sality virus... because the antivirus was not working. My first thought is that i have to reinstall the antivirus. But after i reinstall the antivirus still does not solve the problem. And then I tried several antivirus:
  • AVG... can not be install
  • PCMAV (Indonesian antivirus) the latest version... didn't work
  • Avira... the installer didn't work.
And then I tried some other antivirus, from this antiviruses I knew that a virus which attacked my computer is Sality/P.variant, although these antiviruses can detected the virus but it can not clean the virus. Some of the antivirus that I used are:
  • Smadav 2010 (Indonesian Antivirus) can only detect the virus.
  • PCMAV Ekspress for Sality (Indonesia Antivirus) can only detect the virus.
  • Avast... can delete the virus... but because i fear will destroy my programs so... I didn't use it.


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