How To Remove The Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Infection

The Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 is what's known as a 'Fake Antivirus' that mimics legitimate antivirus programs but instead of protecting people's computers from trojans, viruses and lethal infections, it is the infection and so it begins to take over your computer without you knowing at all. The virus works by randomly appearing on your desktop and looks to be scanning your computer and once the scan has finished it will always with no exceptions that it has found infections, viruses, trojans, malware and adware and many other types of infection. This is all part of the convincing stage that tries to gain your trust so that the next part will have no hesitation from you.
The virus works by secretly infecting your computer via means of email, spam, infected websites or infected links. Normally these kinds of viruses can be hidden on the likes of adult websites that have lots of pop-ups or links on the page and so you might click on a link and then the virus immediately starts to download and install itself on your computer. Another common way is through email, and you may think that your email address is safe but you are wrong. Many websites that persuade you to sign up to their email lists will then sell that list to criminals who will then email you spam and infected links that may contain viruses e.g. Fake AVG Antivirus.
Fake antiviruses are unfortunately becoming increasingly common, which is why we need to protect ourselves and become aware of their attributes and what to look out for and how to remove them. One way to spot a fake antivirus on your system is if you are on your computer and suddenly a program appears and looks to be scanning your computer. You should only trust programs that you have actually installed on your computer especially security programs. It is useful to have a list of programs that you have on your computer so you can check if anything like this happens to you. Another way to spot a fake antivirus is if you are working and everything suddenly stops and programs start to close down. This is because the virus is beginning to block computer processes that are being sent so it can take over.
In order to remove the Fake AVG Antivirus it is recommended that you follow the steps outline below:
Firstly it is recommended that you download a program called Frontline Rogue Remover to a computer that isn't infected with the virus because it would not be able to work because the virus would block the program. Frontline Rogue Remover has been built especially for the removal of fake antivirus infections. Once you have downloaded and installed it on your computer (that isn't infected) follow the instructions that are displayed.
Next it is highly recommended that you perform a full scan of your computer's registry to check for any damages or impurities that may be lying in the database. The registry is a virtual database that stores incredibly sensitive information in hierarchical order that is crucial for your computer's day to day functionality and if it were to be disturbed or altered in anyway then the consequences could lead to your computer being damaged or corrupted, which could eventually lead to a full system failure.


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